Home Theater - Budget Saving Ideas

A good home theater system can cost anywhere between ,000 to over ,000 depending on the quality of the equipment and the size of your home theater design. The difficult economy we are in has most households making tough decisions about what they want and what they can reasonably afford. Building a family home theater is being put on the back burner in many homes until additional income is available for such "extras." But a home theater doesn't have to break the bank. There are resources and ways to keep the cost of a quality system at a reasonable level.

7 Inch Car Tv

Below are some suggestions for how to save money on a new entertainment system.

7 Inch Car Tv

1. Search the Web. There are several web sites available online that compare systems and costs. Some will also provide unbiased reviews of products at various price points. Use these to help you decide which brands are in your budget.

2. Install the theater system yourself. Custom installation is needed for some theater designs but many can be easily done yourself with some careful planning. The wiring, cables and connections can be relatively easy to figure out if you follow the instructions.

3. Buy a floor model. A floor model is a piece of equipment that has been on display on the show floor of the electronics store but which is otherwise in perfect condition. This is a great way to get a quality product at a lower price. Talk to your retailer about models they may be looking to get rid of to make room for newer versions.

4. Consider second hand systems. Many audio/video enthusiasts will replace their home theater components every year or two and sell their relatively new systems for a low cost. Consumers must be diligent about doing their research of the product if they buy second hand as there will typically be no warranty remaining on these pieces.

5. Pace yourself. You can save some money by purchasing your home theater components over a period of time. By waiting and buying your television, then speakers, then receivers as you have money and as potential deals or prices drop can help you save 10-15%.

6. Consider a smaller television. It is hard to resist buying the biggest TV on the showroom floor. However, you can save considerable money buy purchasing a smaller screen. Even a few inches smaller can save you a couple of hundred dollars. Remember, those big TVs do not work in every family room anyway.

7. Buy fewer speakers. Two good quality loudspeakers at the front of your TV will cost less than five or more speakers; even poorer quality speakers and a subwoofer may cost more. Speakers are easy to add to your system as the funds allow.

8. Consider a comprehensive warranty. For such a large purchase, it is usually worth it to have a solid warranty that covers you for 1-2 years so that you can be sure that your investment will last and that the retailer or manufacturer backs it up. Should problems arise, this may actually save you money.

~Ben Anton, 2008

Home Theater - Budget Saving Ideas
7 Inch Car Tv

Cyber Monday Eviant T7 7-Inch Handheld LCD TV, Black 2011 Deals

Nov 30, 2011 15:46:05

Cyber Monday Eviant T7 7-Inch Handheld LCD TV, Black Deals
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Eviant T7 7-Inch Handheld LCD TV, Black

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Eviant T7 7-Inch Handheld LCD TV, Black <<

Cyber Monday Eviant T7 7-Inch Handheld LCD TV, Black Feature

  • 7.0-Inch Widescreen Display
  • Built In TV Tuner, ATSC/NTSC Compatible
  • 480 X 234 Resolution
  • 16:9 Wide Screen Aspect Ratio
  • 6-Button Remote Control

Cyber Monday Eviant T7 7-Inch Handheld LCD TV, Black Overview

This new Eviant 7.0" portable digital TV set is among the first if its size to offer true built-in digital portability. It receives over-the-air digital broadcasts without any additional hardware or subscription service, unless desired. Perfect for use in RVs and other vehicles, on a kitchen counter, at sporting events, or anywhere else you want to view television. Designed with a built-in Lithium-Ion battery, built-in speakers, a slim design and includes a remote control and protective carrying pouch. The 16:9 widescreen-format set is ready to be used any time and virtually anywhere.

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Eviant T7 7-Inch Handheld LCD TV, Black

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Cell Phones - Some Considerations of the Cell Phone of the Future

Cell phone technology has been moving forward at break neck speed, and sometimes we may not notice it, but think back to just a few years ago and you can see all the new feature integration and race in the marketplace - a race to "wow" consumers and get them to choose a specific device. But before we talk about the current trends in cell phones and smart phones, let's discuss the past evolution of these devices.

7 Inch Car Tv

Since, I had one of the first mobile "cell" phones - I'd like to tell you a quick story to start out this discussion.

7 Inch Car Tv

My first cell phones were state-of-the-art at the time, but if you saw them today, you'd laugh. One of them I actually kept; a Mitsubishi Transportable. This phone is about the size of a six pack cooler that you might take to your child's soccer game, and it was quite heavy, as I recall it is well over 10 pounds. This of course included the battery pack to power up to 3 Watt phone.

Remember that Ion-lithium batteries at the time were just coming off the assembly lines and were quite expensive - they did not exist in this size for anything but NASA and military usage. These original cell phones I had were nickel hydride powered, quite an inferior battery technology for modern cell phones.

The Mitsubishi Cell Phone has a strap on it so you can carry it like a purse, and I often felt really stupid carrying it, until of course it rang, and I unzipped the top, pulled out the handset on the phone and began talking. I can recall that everyone stared as if I was a secret CIA agent, was working for MI6, and my name wasn't Lance, it was really James Bond. You see, at that time not very many people had the cell phones and they were very expensive.

Another one of my first phones was a Audiovox 1000 model, which was quite large and it was mounted in my car, a car phone - cell phone. The box that ran the Cell Phone was mounted under the seat, and there was a cradle that held the headset. The headset had a cord on it just like a phone at home, before the cordless phones that is. Under the seat the box was about 3 1/2 inches high and the size of a laptop with a 17.1 inch screen.

This Cell Phone or car cell phone was wired directly to the battery with a couple of fuses. When I turned on the vehicle, the Cell Phone would automatically turn on. If I turned off the vehicle, I had to leave it on accessory with the key in the right position, unless I left the phone on which by-passed the ignition. When the phone rang and actually honked the horn, which got me into trouble a couple of times when the horn went off while I was driving behind a police car stopped at an intersection. I have a lot of stories to tell you about all those early days with the first cell phones, and you may e-mail me if you are ever interested in such experiences.

Folks today take all this for granted, as they don't realize how cumbersome the original cell phones were, or how stupid they were compared to modern day smart cell phones. Today they give you a free cell phone when you sign up for service - back then you had to pay 00 for a car cell phone, and as much as a couple hundred dollars to have it installed. It was quite a procedure, if you have a stereo system, and an XM radio put in your car at the same time, that is about how much work it took to do this. Therefore, at today's labor rates you could easily pay three or 0. That's definitely something to think about.

If I was talking to someone on the phone while the engine was running, if I turned off the car and moved the key to the accessory position I would dump the phone call, as I cut it out during that transition. However, having a cell phone in my car helped me increase my business. At the time I was only 17 years old - I had an aircraft brokerage firm and aircraft finder's service and I would work off of fees whenever an aircraft that I represented sold. I also had a small aircraft cleaning service and was able to contact customers from my vehicle on the flight line, and my crews could call me when they were done with the job as they would use the local payphone to call me.

Thus, this mobile technology allowed me to make more money, and remain more efficient than the competition. Remember at the time this was leading edge technology, it was state-of-the-art, and I had it - the competition did not. No longer was I stuck in an office, I could run my business from anywhere and it allowed me much freedom. Often people today do not realize what it was like before mobile cell phones. Anyone who is in business now over the age of 50 certainly realizes, because they remember a time when there were no cell phones.

This was a period in our nation's history where there were pay phones in every shopping center, every gas station, outside of every fast food restaurant, and people used them all the time. Business People who didn't smoke filled their ashtrays with coins so they can stop and use the pay phone. Thus, allowing them to call clients, customers, vendors, and maintain their operations in the office. When cell phones first came into play they displaced the old Motorola technology of push to talk phones, which worked off a mountaintop repeaters, these phones were very big in the military, construction industry, and all the executives with large corporations had them.

Since this was radio technology, they worked farther than the first cell phones which had to be within 10 to 15 miles of a cell tower. Today, the cell phones are less wattage than they were back then, so the average cell tower is 6 miles or less apart. Back then the cell phones worked off three Watts, and now with 3G technology the wattage is under 1 W. This is probably good for the human biosystem, as it is putting less microwave frequency radiation into your brain, there will be fewer brain tumors, brain cancer, and other issues. There have been many studies including several with the Swiss researchers which seemed to indicate that the 3 W phones were quite unacceptable for human health, and they would slowly cook your brain as one researcher said.

Luckily, for the cell phone industry they were able to bury most of these problems and objections, as well as the studies that the Swiss did. Although, there were studies here in the United States, you would be hard-pressed to find those research studies and data on brain tumors, brain cancer, and their relation to the cell phones that people used. In fact, if you go to Google Scholar today you will be hard-pressed to find anything that would suggest that the cell phones could cause such horrible conditions. This of course is all still up for debate, but we try not to talk about it.

Perhaps, by going to 3G wireless, and lower wattage the mobile cell phone industry dodged a bullet of huge class-action lawsuits, and we may never know the damage we had caused. Nevertheless, as we talk about Six Sigma efficiency in corporations, or using modern management techniques in small businesses, no one can deny that increasing communication speed and reliability is by far a factor in the increase productivity in the 80s and 90s due to cell phones.

At the time I was literally running 1000 to 1200 minutes per month and although that service was much cheaper than the other choices such as the Iridium Satellite Phones, non-cell phone mobile units, as they did not use cell towers, rather satellites - you can imagine the costs of the original cells. They did not have an unlimited plan and once over your minutes, you paid the premium for each minute on that cell phone, my bill was usually 0 to 800 or more.

The other mobile phones at the time were not cell tower-based phones, they were push-to-talk and came in a brief case - it was considered quite James Bond at the time. And this was back in the 1970s, and I remember this, because I started my business when I was 12 years old washing airplanes at the local airport. Many of the businessmen who owned corporate jets had these types of phones. They were basically for the rich and famous, and business person. They didn't work everywhere and you had to have pretty much line of sight to the nearest tall mountain, and that mountain had to have a repeater on top of it, which was hardwired into telephone lines, and the rest of the system worked with ground lines.

All this is very interesting, and we must consider that many folks today have never been alive when there were no cell phones. They have no clue how hard it was to run a business back in the days when there really was no mobile communication. The same repeater systems on top of the mountains that Motorola owned or which used Motorola hardware, also controlled the pagers. These pager systems were quite popular with people on call, such as doctors, and service personnel. Two-way radios, which work basically the same as the two-way push to talk briefcase phones, were used through a dispatcher for companies very often.

Later, just as cell phones came into play, someone came up with the idea of 1.5 way and two-way pagers. Instead of a one-way pager, someone who had what they call an "alpha mate" device could page someone and ask them a question (using a text message) on that page and the recipient could press a button for yes or no, Y. or N. and that information would be relayed to the dispatcher. People actually got pretty good at communicating this way. And you could send text type messages for the user of the pager to read. In reality these were the first text type messages, so the concept of having a mobile device and using text messaging is not all that new.

Two-way text messaging via cell phones is merely a re-introduction of that similar technology. Once people had cell phones they didn't need to use the text pagers anymore, and that technology was leapfrogged as the price of the cell phone services was lower, as competition increased between companies like Sprint and AT&T. There were many other regional smaller players, but they eventually got bought up by the big boys.

The cell phone industry grew so fast in the late 80s and early 90s, that eventually there was coverage everywhere. Then something really weird happened, the promise of 3G wireless came into play, and folks started switching to that new system. I can tell you this - my first cell phones were much more powerful and worked much better than the cell phones of today.

Occasionally, I had a call dropped and there were not as many service areas, yes there were more dead zones, but the signal was much more powerful because it was 3 W, and since it ran off my car battery or a large battery pack in a small carry case, it had ample power to maintain that strong signal.

Today, when I use my AT&T cell phone, I am often cursing because the service is so bad, I wonder why I am even paying for it. In fact, the loss of productivity from dead zones, and the cell phone calls dropping, I feel as if AT&T should be paying me. Apparently, I am not alone many people feel the same way. Nevertheless, the 4G wireless is on the way and everyone will be switching to that so that they will have Internet access allowing them to do e-mails, twitter, video, and real-time text messaging without the use of ground lines

A good many folks do not know of a time when there was no email or internet. And most people who are in business today, who are under 50 years old do not remember a time when we didn't have fax machines, the reality is that fax machines came into play about the time of the first cell phones. Mind you, there was still no Internet, no e-mail, and although ARPANET was being used by the military, and by think tanks, research centers, and top universities, it wasn't really available to the public in the way we have it now.

Fast forward to today and now no one goes anywhere without a cell phone. Social researchers have noted fewer people wearing wrist watches. They don't need a wristwatch because that is a standard feature on all cell phones now. Of course, this doesn't help companies like Rolex who are catering to the young up-and-coming BMW crowd, if you look around you will see that most young executives don't even wear a watch and most of our younger generation doesn't wear a watch either.

It seems that the wrist-watch replaced the pocket watch, and the cell phones seem to be replacing just about everything. These days people use their cell phone or smart phones to do their e-mails, and these same phones act like a PDA, no one carries day planners anymore, although a few people do, myself included perhaps out of habit from using a day planner from the time I was 12 years old in my business until I was in my mid-40s. Perhaps, I am giving away my age, but sometimes old habits die hard.

Today with many laptop notebooks, PDAs, and smart phones, it seems none of that other stuff is needed. Including your human memory say many psychologists, who argue that this technology is causing the human brain to rewire itself differently because there are different needs to get along in the world. After all, all your best friends are on the speed dial and you don't have to remember phone numbers anymore. And all your contacts and information is on your smart phone, in your e-mail program, or on your laptop.

Cyber security analysts worry that if the system crashes or God forbid an electro-magnetic pulse, neutron bomb, or nuclear device is set off high in the atmosphere it could destroy all the electronic equipment, including all the cell towers, your laptop, your television, your refrigerator, and your smart phone. Where will you be then, and can you rely on your memory and the brain you are born with to carry on your daily endeavors - scary thinking, but perhaps we need to address this as we consider the evolution of cell phones.

Today, our cell phones have changed the entire dynamics of our society. There are unspoken etiquette issues of cell phone use in public. There are rules when we can use our cell phones and when we can't. Issues such as driving with a cell phone and the number of auto deaths which occur while people are driving and talking on the phone at the same time. There have been major disasters caused by texting while driving a bus or conducting a train.

The reality is that as our technology has evolved, it is evolving much faster than the human brain can to take it all in. Due to the multitasking required in our society to get along and the high pace and productivity that jobs require, many brains cannot cope or adapt fast enough. And this seems to be a problem, if some people are not able to make the switch, but they attempt to, sometimes while driving with disastrous results.

Our smart phones are becoming super cell phones that have more and more features, such as the ability to store music like the iPod, and vast amounts of data like our electronic PDAs. These devices are getting more high-tech each and every year and they are feature rich. Many have five to ten gigabytes of information storage now. One recent study in the cell phone industry noted that 90% of the people who own cell phones have never used all the features, and do not know how to program them, or even that they exist on their cell phone. Most people don't even care, they use the features they want and none of the others.

This is a common problem with new technologies, and it is something that happened with that Beta and VHS recorders. What's that old joke, there are tons of features on your video recorder at home, but no one knows how to use them, and before we all learned that we need to learn to use these features, the VHS video recorder is out in the new DVDs are here. Now cable companies offer boxes which can record multiple shows so you can watch later or pause a live TV program while you go to the bathroom, or go to the kitchen to get something to eat. Some allow you to use your cell phone to do remote programming too.

These are all things common challenges which are encountered and similar problems with any new personal tech devices which become mass consumer products. Cell phones and our current smart phones are no exception. It's hard to say the future what types of new features in our cell phones will have. The sky is the limit, and the imagination and demand for more features and greater technology is readily apparent. The early adopters of such cell phone and smart phone technologies are willing to spend big bucks to have all-in-one devices. Therefore, these trends will continue.

Just to give you an example of some of the crazy ideas people come up with for future smart phones let me tell you a little quick story.

Our on-line Think Tank came up with a plan to produce a PhD or Personal Health Device, which tracks your diet - on your cell phone. How it worked was quite simple, when you are at the grocery store, you would scan all the items that you bought, and they would go into storage inside your smart phone. Each time you ate one of those items you would simply select what you ate, and punch in the number of servings and you would calculate and keep track of your calories, fat content, and recommended daily allowances in the major five food groups.

The smart phone would have a scanner system on it, later subsequent versions of this smart phone and personal health device would be able to scan products via RFID tags. Your phone could tabulate and even recommend what you should eat, how many more miles you should jog, and what you would need to maintain your diet to meet your personal health goals, and weight loss program. Sounds crazy doesn't it, yes, it does, but the venture capitalists like the idea. So too, do companies that produce high tech smart phones today, as everyone is looking to get a jump on the competition.

GPS systems by way of smart phones or cellular high-tech phones is quite possible (now available), and you don't even need satellites to do it. If you are within the realm of several cell towers your location can be triangulated quite quickly, which pinpoints your exact location within 10 feet. Ah ha, you see the problem in this too; What about privacy you ask? That's a good point and that is another issue that people are quite concerned about with all this new high-tech personal smart phone innovations.

Google Phone and social networking connections appear to be on horizon. That is to say, linking your smart phone with all of your social networking friends, but apparently Google got into a little bit of a problem and noted that many people are not ready for that just yet. In fact, many people who are friends on social networks and make connections, have no intention of ever meeting these people in real life, and therefore they aren't really friends. And since you don't really know anything about those connections or friends on your social networking site, the last thing you want them to do is know exactly where you are within 10 feet.

That should appear to be obvious, and in the future it may not be such a big deal, but people are still a little paranoid and they like to have their privacy. Meanwhile, we read more and more articles about social networking gone bad. That is to say people using social networks to stalk other people, and this also concerns parents who have teenagers, who use social networks on a daily basis, and some that use them on an hourly basis, and a good many who seem to be texting every few minutes.

One recent study of cell phone users was able to have a 93% predictability of where a person might be based on the patterns determined by their cell phone, and when it was connected to any given local cell tower. The study found that most people stay within 6 miles of their homes. These patterns of predictability are a reality in our society and how we operate as individuals - nevertheless this brings up all types of issues that have attracted the attention of the Electronic Freedom Foundation, and it also touches on the issue of privacy and paranoia, it catches people off guard.

Then there is the new trend with smart mobs using their smart phones, and having fun with and meeting up in various places all at the same time. Although these schemes are used for fun, entertainment, and socializing, these same types of smart mobs have the power to destabilize a society or civilization. Consider if you will the use of technology in Tiananmen Square - should governments be worried about your smart phone technology, or the future of 4G wireless cell phones? They probably should be concerned with it, especially if it is used by a foreign government to provide mass protests against what would be a normal stabile government.

In other words it has uses in warfare, the CIA, in bringing down corrupt regimes which are enemies to United States. But rest assured - the same thing could happen in the United States where perhaps a communist rogue nation state decided to have protests in the United States in our major cities on Mayday. It could easily happen especially with our own technology being used against us, due to all the interconnectivity that it offers.

Does this mean that our government has to find a way to turn off all the cell phones in case of something like this happening? Do they need a device to turn off certain cell phones from the system, while leaving first responders cell phones activated for communication? And what about hackers, which might be able to send out tens of thousands of bogus text messages, or call masses of people into a trap, or stage a riot?

These are all questions we need to answer and we need to understand that the same technology we create to improve our productivity, our society, and help us in our daily lives with our families and friends can also be used against us.

And what happens when our smart phones become smarter than us? Some believe, as I do, that they already have. Most of the smart phones today have artificial intelligence systems within them, for instance a text messaging program which guesstimates which keys you are going to press next or what you are trying to say and it offers you suggest is so you can fill in the blank. Making your texting very quick. This is very similar technology that Google uses when doing a search and offer suggestions as you are typing to save you time. This is just one form of artificial intelligence in our smart phones and cell phones today.

There are many cell phones that allow you to use speech recognition to dial phone numbers, search your databases, or navigate the screens on your cell phone. The newest smart phones will be able to tell you when you are in proximity to a Starbucks and then give you GPS directions to find that location. This has big implications for retailers, advertisers, and consumers alike. They will begin to know your patterns and habits. All these technologies are available now and we will see them in the near future. Your cell phone will even become a payment device, hooked to your credit card information. All this technology exists today.

But what about the technologies which are just over the horizon?

We've recently seen at Comdex and CES shows the first generations of projection cell phones, that is to say video conference enabled cell phones which allow you to project to the other party onto the nearest wall or onto a table so you can watch. This will obviously be followed by the Holographic cell phones, which were similar to those that we saw in the Star Wars trilogy.

All these things will be available in the next five years, and you will most likely have them if you buy one of the high-tech cell phones in the near future. At first these technologies will cost a lot extra, but those prices will come down as the number of units built goes up and as more Chinese also purchase their first cell phone, adding another billion people who own such devices, therefore bringing the cost down for everyone - significantly!

By the year 2025 your cell phone will be a brain chip inside of your head, and you can think that you'd like to contact someone and it will dial the number and contact them. By 2050 you will be able to do thought transfer via the small devices, brain implant - perhaps smaller than a dime. And people born after that will never know what time were "thought transfer" did not exist, just like right now there are many people who have never known a time when mobile phones didn't exist. And since Moore's law also seems to apply to the cell phone and smart phone industries we can expect a size reduction as well as a power reduction to run this technology.

In other words, your biosystem will be able to power up your brain cell phone chip, just as it does your current human brain which works on about a maximum of 20 W. of energy, and you will be able to have an eyelid screen, so you can close one eye, and surf the Internet. It's hard to say what the Comdex and CES Show in Las Vegas in the year 2025 will look like, it is probably impossible to pinpoint what these shows will look like in the year 2050. In fact, there may not be shows at all, you may be able to experience these trade shows in your holographic living room, video gaming center.

Walking the virtual halls of the trade show using your avatar and talking to other avatars explaining all the new technologies that are available for you might be the new reality albeit an Augmented or fully Virtual Reality. That appears to be where we are going, although it's hard to imagine considering where we are today. Nevertheless, I can assure you people in the 1950s could not really have imagined the way in which our smart cell phones have evolved in the present period.

Currently, there seems to be a very big push in the larger cities like Atlanta and Dallas, Los Angeles and Seattle, Boston and New York, Miami and Houston towards the 4G wireless, obviously this will continue. That is the full broadband Internet surfing on your smart phone, the ability to watch TV while driving in a car on your cell phone. And next comes the ability to project that TV onto any screen or flat surface that is nearby or available. The technology is getting more robust, it's getting smaller, it's getting smarter, and you have to decide how far you want to go with it.

Perhaps, I should write a quick eBook on this topic and explain chapter by chapter, the evolution of this ominous communication technology, and the future of smart phone personal tech devices. Let me know if you know any interested potential co-authors.

At the current pace we are moving, and at the speed in which we are interfacing with the Internet, social networks, e-mail, and television, it's hard to say exactly what you will be carrying around in the future in your purse or pocket, but I daresay it will be something that is truly incredible, and in the next 10 years it will be hardly imaginable from this point in time to know exactly what it will be, or what it might be able to do. I hope you will please consider all this. And contact me if you'd like to discuss this further at the Online Think Tank.

Cell Phones - Some Considerations of the Cell Phone of the Future
7 Inch Car Tv

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Portable DVD Players - Your Best Journey Partner

Though watching your favourite movies on the move is surely a stress and strain buster. However, you cannot carry a complete home theatre system while on a business or fun trip. Watching a movie while traveling can easily make the miles go zoom.

7 Inch Car Tv

Now the question arises that how to make it possible and how to watch your favourite DVDs while on the move? The answer is quite simple, the Portable DVD Players can take your boredom away and they can also lead you to a great land of entertainment and joy. These players not only provide the facility to play your favourite DVDs but they also serve the facilities of listening to your favourite music. With such players you can also show a presentation to your clients and thus, you do not have to carry a laptop on your business trip.

7 Inch Car Tv

As with most technologies, the concept of "getting what you pay for" has been applied on such portable players of DVD as well. Do not ever get confused with the prices of such devices. Most of the times, the companies launch a feature laden machine and that too on rock bottom price but be always beware of such companies as it may be possible that you get a junk in the form of a DVD player. Always go for a branded piece so that you never have to worry about your leisure times. There are various websites available on the Internet that is providing great players at cheap prices. You can also avail branded but cheap DVD players from such websites.

There are various facts that you should always keep in your mind before buying a portable player for you. Consider all possible buying and research criteria and please ignore the media hypes made about any product. Some of the possible facts are stated below:

* The Life of Battery: This is really a big issue for the constant travelers and this should not be taken as grated as this may spoil the enjoyment of your trip. Always go for at least two hours of battery life in a video playback mode. There are various players that give the backup of up to four hours.

* Car Kit: If you are planning to use your DVD player in the car, then you should purchase a player that includes a car adapter. To avail maximum convenience, go for a tablet model with the facility of wall mounting system that will attach your player on the back of the front seats. You can easily choose where to install that player.

* Format Support: Your player is made to support standard DVDs that run MPEG-2 files, but you should also look for some other formats like MPEG-4 ASP (Advanced Simple Profile), WMV9 (Windows Media Video 9), DivX, and XviD. Support for CDs and MP3s could turn your video player into a jukebox. If you burn CDs or DVDs, make sure your player supports writeable (CD-R, CD-RW, and DVD-R.

* Output Jacks: Practically all DVD players can plug into a PC or TV for large-screen playback. However, high-quality outputs like S-Video for video or Optical Out for audio will give better playback quality.

* Screen Orientation: The more clarity in pictures, the better. A 7-inch screen is normal with many players, but a 10-inch screen makes viewing more pleasurable. If you use the player in group surroundings, a swivel screen will ensure that everyone gets a view.

* Sound Control: You won't always be using headphones, so check the sound quality of the player's built-in speakers. The good stereo quality is a must. Make sure you can add peripheral speakers. You may also need a small duo for business presentations.

* Weight: If you love to travel with less baggage, check the weight of any player you consider to buy. Anything heavier than 5 pounds can feel like a block after awhile. Don't be confused by size either. Some of the less-weight players have overweight batteries.

There are various companies that are making great portable DVD players, but Sony portable DVD players are among the best players one can have.

Portable DVD Players - Your Best Journey Partner
7 Inch Car Tv

Cyber Monday Philips PT902/37 9" Portable Digital HDTV with FM Tuner 2011 Deals

Nov 28, 2011 18:23:25

Cyber Monday Philips PT902/37 9
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Philips PT902/37 9

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Philips PT902/37 9" Portable Digital HDTV with FM Tuner <<

Cyber Monday Philips PT902/37 9" Portable Digital HDTV with FM Tuner Feature

  • 3 hours of built-in battery
  • Easy installation and search
  • 9" TFT color widescreen
  • Detachable antenna design
  • Free-to-air digital TV

Cyber Monday Philips PT902/37 9" Portable Digital HDTV with FM Tuner Overview


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Higher Consciousness

Living in the third dimension can be a blissful experience when you have power, health, wealth, comforts and freedom. That's what the ruling families have manifested for themselves while the rest of the world struggles with poverty, disease, drug dependency, debt and servitude. The ultimate goal of the ruling families is not only one world government. It is complete mastery over the 3rd dimension of time and space. Notice how successful they have been at manifesting a Utopian 3rd dimension for themselves - money, yachts, private jets, castles, resorts, racehorses, corporations, gold, gems, servants and everything they desire. You are part of their manifestation. You and the rest of the world are literally at their feet. How did they do it? With their knowledge of the tools of Creation and Universal Laws.

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Unless you understand how reality is manifested, your destiny and the destiny of the planet will be in the hands of the ruling families who do understand it.

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What do you think about? The answer is revealed by the life that you lead. If you think your life is miserable or great, you are right. Life is whatever you think it is. The same is true for the state of the world. It is what humanity collectively thinks it is. Energy and all forms of matter attract like-vibrational energy. Our thoughts are energy magnets. They attract whatever we point them at.

Your thoughts are living things. When you step into a room full of people, you can sense the living atmosphere created by the collective thought waves of the people in the room. You may sense a calm or a tense atmosphere. The collective thought waves of the 6.5 billion people on Planet Earth also create an atmosphere and it affects everyone either consciously or unconsciously. Like the Borg in Star Trek, you can tune into this "collective consciousness" and broadcast ideas to others who will receive and act on them. You are a drop in the ocean of thought and the ocean of thought is in every drop.

The Universal Law of Attraction is working in your life right now. You are attracting the personal situations that you are experiencing. You are also attracting the global situations through your individual contribution to the collective mass consciousness. Think about what you are contributing. Once you are aware of this Universal Law and how it works, you can start to use it deliberately to attract what you want instead of what you don't want.

Any thought you have, when combined with emotion, vibrates out from you to the universe. Like a boomerang, it returns whatever you focus on. All you have to do is allow yourself to expect what you want. Sounds easy, right? The hard part is becoming 'doubt-free'. You must expect what you want without doubt, act like you already have it and be grateful for it. Like drops in the ocean, each and every person is individually responsible for their contribution to mass consciousness. By expecting a New World Order, an Antichrist, an Apocalypse and end times, your contribution to the collective consciousness is "dark". Expect miracles. Expect a Golden Age.

When you assume 100% responsibility for everything you're experiencing in your reality right now - absolutely everything - only then will you possess the power to alter your reality.

DECEMBER 12, 2012

The ruling families are in a race with time to manifest mastery over the third dimension...but something is happening "right now" that they hadn't counted on. There is a transformation in human consciousness leading up to December 21, 2012. A 'galactic alignment' is expected to occur on that date which will mark the end of the 26,000-year Mayan calendar. Mayan timekeepers predict that Earth and humanity are being birthed into a dramatic and unified elevation in consciousness.


You are made up of billions and billions of "programmed" beliefs about what is real and what's not real, what you should or shouldn't be or wear or say or do. You have downloaded beliefs about how attractive you are, about your body, your intelligence, about God, sin, life after death, morality and class. You have been innundated with disaster scenarios about the future of humanity - a global depression, an apocalypse, Armageddon, end times, depopulation, nuclear war, an Antichrist ruler and other disempowering, fear mongering, toxic propoganda.

If you stop and look closely at your thoughts and beliefs, you will discover that instead of serving you, they serve the agenda of the ruling families. Although you may feel you are immune to religious and political propaganda, your immunity is overpowered by the repetition of messages that burrow into your subconscious just below your conscious radar.

The ruling families have taught you slave consciousness. You tick tock through life with alarm clocks, car clocks, work clocks, the TV clock, the cell phone clock, wrist watches, wall clocks and calendars. It's "breakfast time", "lunch hour", "break time", "traffic hour", "news hour", "happy hour", "week end", "dinner time", "bed time", "tax time. You sit in traffic, stand in line-ups, watch mind numbing TV trivia interrupted by endless commercials. You settle for a 14 day holiday out of the 365 days it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun. You trade your labor for digits at the bank. You celebrate birthdays, New Years, Valentine's day, St. Patrick's Day and countless other repetitive cycles of commercialized nonsense. From cradle to grave, you obediently tick-tock through life like an automaton, serving the ruling families. Despite the servitude, they have somehow convinced you that you are free. "None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe


You have the power to influence matter and the physical world with just the power of your thoughts. It's called 'telekinesis'. YOU WERE BORN WITH THAT POWER. All you have to do is awaken your pineal gland or "third eye". Like an atrophied muscle, this unused part of your brain can be strengthened through exercise and by eliminating fluoride from your toothpaste and water supply. Telekinesis is the same mind-over-matter power that the ruling families have been using since ancient times to manifest their power over you and over the physical world. How do you think the stone tonnage of Egypt's Great Pyramids was cut, carved, moved long distances, erected and positioned within fractions of an inch? Some of the stones weighed as much as 50 tons! Do you believe the media tales about how these Herculean stones were moved without drills, explosives, lasers, forklifts, cranes or steel cables?

The term 'psychic powers' conjures up negative images of black magic, gypsies, witchcraft, exorcists, faith healing hoaxes and sorcery. That is the reputation the corporate media has given it. Why? To discourage your interest in developing your personal power. Like any skill, your psychic powers develop with regular use and they atrophy from lack of use.

In their book, China's Super Psychics, Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill describe the amazing psychic abilities of gifted children. The American magazine Omni got involved when the children were being tested to make sure there was no cheating. They quickly became convinced that the children's abilities were entirely real. In one case, a child took a sealed pill bottle off a shelf at random and placed it on a table. After a few moments the pills passed through the glass bottle and settled on the table. The child then placed a coin on the table and it passed back through the glass into the sealed bottle. In another case, a thousand people sitting in an auditorium were each given a rose bud to hold. A six year old girl came on stage and with a silent wave of her hand, the thousand rosebuds slowly opened into full bloom before the eyes of the astonished audience.

By practicing concentration exercises and telekinesis, you can learn the mechanics of manifestation. Once you discover that you can move an object with the power of your thoughts, you realize that you can influence matter at a molecular level. You have the power to influence everything in the physical world from a molecule to the entire globe with just the power of your thoughts. You have the power to heal yourself and the Earth. It starts with the belief that you can do it and then actually "doing it"! Learn how to manifest the reality you want instead of the reality that the ruling families are manifesting for you.

Higher Consciousness
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Black Friday Coby TFDVD7052 7-Inch Portable Tablet DVD/CD/MP3 Player - Black 2011 Deals

Nov 27, 2011 19:31:41

Black Friday Coby TFDVD7052 7-Inch Portable Tablet DVD/CD/MP3 Player - Black Deals
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Coby TFDVD7052 7-Inch Portable Tablet DVD/CD/MP3 Player - Black

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Coby TFDVD7052 7-Inch Portable Tablet DVD/CD/MP3 Player - Black <<

Black Friday Coby TFDVD7052 7-Inch Portable Tablet DVD/CD/MP3 Player - Black Feature

  • 7-Inch widescreen TFT LCD, DVD, DVD±R/RW, CD, CD-R/RW, JPEG, and MP3 compatible
  • Anti-Skip Circuitry, Dolby Digital Decoder
  • Digital and Analog AV outputs allow for use with home theater systems, Audio/Video input jack for video games, VCRs, or other AV sources
  • Headphone jacks for private listening (x2)
  • Multiple language, subtitle, and camera angle support, Parental lock control, Car kit included

Black Friday Coby TFDVD7052 7-Inch Portable Tablet DVD/CD/MP3 Player - Black Overview

Experience the ultimate in portability with the Coby TFDVD7052 7-Inch Portable Tablet DVD Player. Its compact, portable tablet design allows you to take it anywhere. Available digital and analog AV outputs allow for use with home theater systems. Display Resolution: 480 x 234, Video System Standard: NTSC/PAL, Audio Input: 3.5mm Stereo Audio, Audio Output: 3.5mm Optical/Stereo; 3.5mm Headphone (x2); Integrated Stereo Speakers, Video Input 3.5mm Composite Video, Video Output: 3.5mm Composite Video, Media Support: DVD, DVD±R/RW, CD, CD-R/RW, Audio Format Support: MP3, Video Format Support: MPEG-1, MPEG-2 (DVD), Photo Format Support: JPG, Battery Type: Rechargeable Li-Polymer Battery; Remote: 2 x 1.5V "AAA".

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Discover How to Easily Lose 1-2 Pounds of Fat Per Week

Many have waited for a logical answer to the question, "How can I lose body fat?" In their search for the answer, many have spent an enormous amount of time thinking, worrying, wasting effort, and spending money.

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Most to become very disappointed with the negative outcome; either still overweight, a smaller version of themselves with the same consistency, a weight gain due to improper dieting, or even an unused fitness membership due to de-motivation.

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Wouldn't you agree that stories of inconsistent results from nutrition and weight loss programs are everywhere? Without visible results one can only expect to suffer from discouragement, an inconsistent fitness lifestyle, and the inevitable...the disappointing attitude.

I've been watching this take place for many years. Seeing committed people continually get themselves focused on a goal of health and weight loss only to get their enthusiasm intercepted or dampened by the fallacies of fat removal.

Fallacies of nutrition and weight loss are more common now than ever. It seems that every day there is a new and amazing way to remove fat from your body. A unique secret or method that has been discovered to remove the disgusting fat deposits away from our waist, thighs, glutes, arms, and everywhere else the gruesome nutrient seems to want to hang around.

One of my goals as a Doctor is to help you live a happy, healthy life as you overcome the falsehoods of the body fat loss conspiracy that is meandering around every television set, fitness center, and exercise magazine in the country. Be prepared.

This program dramatically sets apart the truth from the quick fix. It's the nuts, bolts and tools required for proper nutrition, fat loss and overall health. If you think this booklet will only require a quick glance, you may be disappointed. Take the time to read and study this eBook page by page.

Take time to master each step. Follow the simplicity of this plan. Add a touch of common sense. You will be amazed with the results! There are no miracles, no secret codes, and no magical exercises. These steps are timeless. Use them throughout your life, regardless of what level of health you desire to attain. Stay toned, sculpted and say goodbye to unwanted body fat forever! Let's look at step 1.

Step 1
We must start with this to remove the biggest fallacy of fat & weight loss; spot reducing. This is to remind you that the only way you can "spot" reduce fat off your body is with a surgical procedure!

You cannot burn fat directly by weight training or resistance training. You have a better chance of washing your car and then miraculously finding that your house is clean also.

Body fat burns systematically, from everywhere at once. Generally, this process starts when you lower your calories or increase your activity level. Some are still doing hundreds of sit ups, waist bends, and leg lifts thinking these areas will tighten up because of the constant burning.

I sympathize for people when they tell me, "I'm really trying to trim up this waist, I'm doing a hundred million sit ups a day". Or the famous girl from a popular TV show when she responded to a question some talk show host asked her. He wanted to know her secret to a great stomach. "Oh, I do a hundred sit-ups a day!" she responded. Get a clue!

Please remember, weights build and maintain muscle, and diet and cardio burns fat. When you do a weight training exercise and feel a burn in a certain muscle group, what your feeling is the muscle burning not the fat burning. If you want to lose the soft stuff around your waist or thighs and you do waist or thigh exercises, you're not burning fat- you're building muscle.

This goes for all areas of the body. Some of the popular ways people try this type of magic are doing butt exercises to make the butt smaller (wrong)! Doing arm exercises to lose the fat in the back of the arm (never)! Doing inner thigh movements to get rid of the soft spots on the inside of the leg (impossible)!

You have a much better chance of building those areas bigger than you do of making them smaller. If you want to lose fat, remember it burns systematically off your body. This requires a change of lifestyle, particularly in your eating habits and activity level.

Step 2

Before you even think of starting a fat loss program you must recognize and identify exactly what you want from it first. Properly identifying and recognizing what you want will make all the difference in the world!

This story explains it all. There was a man, let's call him "John", who been trying to lose weight but it never worked. He was 5'6, 265 lbs. and only 31yrs old. Let's just say that the weight wasn't all muscle (to say the least). I asked him what type of workouts he had done.

He had tried everything. Fad diets, workout tapes, home programs, treadmills, miracle diets, meat grinders, toothpicks under the fingernails, nothing worked! One thing he never tried was "consistency"! He hadn't done any weight loss program for more than 4 wks. He didn't know why he lost motivation immediately shortly after he started each one. Someone once asked him if he had properly identified his major health & wellness goal.

He explained that he wanted to lose about 100 lbs. As quickly as he was explaining his goal, his key obstacle was evident. "Have you ever heard the old adage about goal setting?" He was asked. "The one about looking at the top of the big mountain before climbing up?"

It can be kind of intimidating. John was encouraged to change his general 100lb. goal to something smaller such as 1 lb. of fat loss per week. It's not as overwhelming, allowing him to focus on a smaller 1 pound rather than large intimidating 100 pound goal. He agreed.

He decided to pursue that one pound per week goal. 3 months later John had a changed attitude. He also looked as if he had lost a significant amount of weight. He explained that according to the scale he is 5 pounds lighter than he was 3 months ago.

However, according to his body fat percentage, his clothes size, and the favorable reaction he gets from people when they see his change, he actually benefited much more. He removed 12lbs. of body fat and He gained 7 lbs of muscle.

If you're asking yourself how he achieved more results in three months than he did in three years, the answer is this: he completely identified what he wanted in small believable parts. In order to be successful at burning fat and feeling your best, you must recognize exactly what you want and break it into small parts.

Also, if John had that "visible" goal when he first started (three years prior), he would not have given up as quickly. You can reach any goal you set if you break it down into small parts. After that, write it down and read it daily. Write down exactly how much fat you want to lose, exactly what you want look like and how you want to feel.

What's your number one goal? Take some time right now and identify what you want and then break it into small parts. If you skip this crucial step you can expect to resemble John during his first three years. An unfocused goal setter. He knew where he wanted to go. However his goal wasn't completely identified so he didn't know how to get there.

Do it now, recognize it, break it down, then write it down and read it often.

Step 3

Without this action step, your expectations for results may get unfocused. It reminds you to use your common sense when thinking of losing fat and weight loss. It has to do with the difference between muscle and fat. It keeps you correctly focused. I make this point first because 9 out of 10 people that start a weight loss goal start because of a desire to reduce size.

Think of a pound of fat which has a caloric consistency of 3500 calories.

If you took one pound of fat and put it in front of you it would equal a grapefruit in size. If you take a pound of muscle which has a caloric consistency of 600 calories and put it in front of you it would equal an orange in size. Looking at both you'll find that they are both the same weight but one pound of fat is bigger and takes up a lot more room.

If you lose 10 grapefruits off your body, and gain ten oranges, and they both individually weigh one pound, you would be the same weight but a lot smaller afterward. Because of this size difference you may see your clothes get bigger on you, your inches go down, and people telling you that it looks like you lost weight.

However, if you get on the scale you may stay the same weight and appear to be a lot smaller. This happens when you do a regular exercise program or increase activity because you always initially build muscle. Usually 2-4 pounds for a woman, and 5-10 pounds for a man. This can happen within the first few months.

When measuring your results by the scale, you may be heavier or the same weight. This is because you will build muscle faster than you will lose fat. But after your muscle building slows down, after the initial growth period (1-3mo's), you can count on seeing fat consistently peeling off your body. You can lose 1-2 pounds of fat a week. Imagine losing a pound of fat every week!

That's 52 pounds in one year (imagine 52 grapefruits off your body). So remember to use to use common sense when thinking of fat loss: don't just think of weight loss.

Step 4

Most fat-loss failures could be avoided if people will just absorb this next step. This helps you to remember that by doing resistance training (or weight training) you can prevent committing "exercise suicide". "I'm going to lose weight first then I'll tone up". Or, "I don't want to do resistance training now, I'm waiting until after I lose the weight."

My bones quiver when someone says those phrases within listening range. It's committing exercise suicide on the installment plan. I'm going to explain to you how this happens. I'm also going to show you how to prevent this semi-catastrophe.

First let's look at the annoying habit of going on a diet or reducing your calories significantly without resistance or weight training. I call this the "I want to lose weight first then tone up" disease. The reason this fallacy started in the first place is because if you think about it, it appears to make sense.

Our bodies are programmed to prevent starvation. Imagine your body has 3 separate sources for food: muscle (protein), fat and carbohydrates. Fat contains 9 calories per one gram and muscle and carbs contain 4 calories per one gram.

Fat is more valuable to your body because it has more calorie burning power in case of starvation. It has nine calories as opposed to four. This means that in case of starvation one gram of fat would last longer for food supply than one gram of muscle (protein) or carbohydrate.

Fat would have a longer calorie burning period since it has 9 calories per gram and muscle and carbohydrates have only 4 calories per gram. Imagine you needed money and someone asked you " Do you want 4 dollars or 9 dollars?" You would undeniably pick the nine. The 9 dollars would last you longer and provide more usefulness.

Same with your body. It would rather have the 9 calories from fat rather than only 4 calories from carbs or muscle (protein) because 9 calories provides more use (more valuable). When you diet, your body burns more calories and at the same time consumes less calories.

This gets your body nervous because it thinks it's getting ready to starve. So what does it do? It says, "Since I'm starting to starve with this diet, I better prepare and hold on to my most valuable form of food, fat. Instead of using fat for energy, like you want it to do, it has to hold on to fat (retain it) because of starvation alert.

There is a way to prevent all this! Incorporate resistance training or weight training activity into your dieting plan. Resistance training builds and tones muscles. When you resistance train and tone muscle you send a message to your body that tells it that it is not starving, it's growing! It tells your body that it's okay to go ahead and burn fat for energy.

You're preventing the starvation process because you're adding and toning muscle through resistance training. When you resistance train you build and tone your muscles. This signals your body that it's growing and healthy, not starving and dieting. By resistance training you speed up the metabolism.

As I just said, when you weight train you speed your metabolism and you really help out the fat burning process. Here's why. Muscle to your body is like an engine to a car. The bigger your engine the faster it goes! If you went out and added an extra cylinder to your car's engine it would be faster.

When you build muscle it speeds up your metabolism and is like adding an extra cylinder to your body. As an extra cylinder in your car's engine would make it faster. An extra cylinder in your body makes your metabolism go faster too.

Approximately 50 extra calories a day are burned when you weight train. These 50 calories a day may not seem like much, but over 7 days that's 350 calories. After 10 weeks that equals 3500 calories. That happens to be the caloric consistency of one pound of fat! So when you weight train you get a bonus fat loss.

Fat (the size of one grapefruit) will systematically burn off your body every 10 weeks just for adding one pound of new muscle. Dieting without resistance training isn't the only way you can be considered suicidal in exercise.

There's another way too. I've been watching exercisers do this for years. Not only do they slowly commit exercise suicide by doing this, they also cause zero results from their exercise routine altogether. It's when an exerciser walks into the chiropractic office, the gym, the fitness center or their own exercise facility and they start doing a cardio exercise before they weight train.

They do a full cardio session then start pumping the machines or free weights. I'm not talking about a warm up. A five to ten minute cardio warm up is okay. I'm talking about a 20-60 minute cardio session. The cardio session could be walking, running, jogging, biking, aerobics, treadmill, or even a walk around the park.

This is wrong! Remember we were talking about your body having three separate food sources, fat, muscle, and carbs? Well, it loves to use the carbs first. When you do a full cardio session before your weight training routine you use mostly all the carbohydrates your body has available. When you weight train right after, your body searches for an energy source to use while weight training but can't find one. It wants to use carbs but you just spent them on the cardio.

It can't use fat because fat requires oxygen to be burned. (When you weight train you contract your muscles. Veins and arteries that deliver fat burning oxygen to your muscle get constricted. When this happens they are unable to deliver oxygen for fat burning purposes.)

Your body is then forced to look for an alternate form of energy to support this weight training. It looks for carbs but they are all gone. It tries to use fat but the veins and arteries are being squeezed and constricted. Your body has no choice but to use "itself" for energy and feed off of your own muscle mass.

The result: you become a smaller version of yourself with the same consistency, i.e., exercise suicide on the installment plan. Do resistance training first!

When you do resistance training first, you put your body in a win-win situation. Your body wins because it gets to do what it wants to do. It uses carbohydrates for energy first. Your body also wins because it gets to use carbs during resistance training (like it's supposed to) rather than using its own muscle mass.

Make sure you do cardio session after you get done with resistance training. Most of your carbs will be burned, and as long as you don't get out of breath and deplete your oxygen supply, after a few minutes your body will be using fat for energy.

The point is your body can only use muscle or carbohydrates during resistance training. It can't use fat directly. If you deplete your carbs before you start resistance training with cardio, you leave it no choice but to use muscle. Here's a quick hint for you when doing cardio session after weight training.

Always go at a pace where you can carry on a conversation without having to huff or puff to catch your breath. This will guarantee enough oxygen supply for fat burning. By doing this action step you will be an alive, toned, sculpted, and an enthusiastic exerciser!

Step 5

You must remember to always have a steady income of fat in your diet in order to lose fat off your body. Incorporating fat in your diet is like having money in the bank.

If you have some money in the bank, and you have a steady income coming in regularly, you don't mind spending some of that money in the bank. BUT, when you have money in the bank, but no steady income, what do you do with that money in the bank? You hold onto it and use it sparingly.

This is precisely how your body thinks. If your body sees that you don't have any fat intake, it gets nervous and thinks your starving. It will not release body fat for energy. The message is to always consume 15% of your diet from fat. This is where a good supplement program can really help.

Also, don't be afraid to eat something you really love at least once weekly. Make sure you pick a day and time and stick to it. "Marty", is someone who loves this concept, but don't be like him. He really started to see results when he incorporated a cheat meal once a week however, there was a little problem. He kept changing the "cheat day".

Originally his day was Sunday. One Wednesday, he was seen eating in a pizza place at a local shopping center. When he was approached he said," Oh hi, I didn't tell you, I changed my day to Wednesday now, its not Sunday anymore." When asked when he had decided to make the change he said, "Just recently, when I walked by this pizza place!".

A couple of days of cheating will never hurt anyone that bad but too much inconsistency and flexibility definitely will. Include a good percentage of fat in your diet and eat a desert or something you really enjoy one or two times a week. As I mentioned before, there are well balanced nutritional supplements that can also give you this balance.

Step 6

Write down everything you eat for three days. Do this on three days that you're not pigging out. Do it on three average days of eating in your life. Write down every piece of food or drink that goes into your mouth.

If you sporadically try this action step, your attempt at any specific fat loss goal will certainly fail. You must, like everything else, be consistent for it to work. Losing weight, gaining weight or maintaining weight is simple when this formula is adhered to. Here's what you do.

Get a little note pad and take it with you everywhere you go. Start writing down everything you eat, every morsel of food or drink that enters your mouth for three consecutive days. After three days get a little two dollar calorie book from the supermarket and add up your calories. Just the calories. This gives you a great idea of how many calories it takes your body to operate every day. To maintain your present weight.

Let me repeat. Write down everything you eat or drink for three consecutive days. After the three days add up the caloric content of everything. Now, after you have done all of the above divide the total.

This is the magic number. This number indicates the calories it takes your body to operate on a daily basis and to maintain your current weight. By choosing from the 4 food groups or following a nutritional program from your doctor, you're ready to start developing your eating plan. You can now effectively lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight.

You must have the discipline to write everything down for three days or you will not formulate a proper eating plan.

Step 7

In order to lose body fat, keep your energy levels high, and keep your thinking capacity normal, you must follow this next action step. This will help you remember that you must have the proper serving of each food group included in your eating plan. Or, follow a plan by your doctor that contains the proper nutritional supplements that can provide the same.

It's all quite easy to do. To start, follow the Recommended Daily Allowances (from the US government). Don't be concerned, in this case, the government is right on the money with there recommendations.

Don't complicate it by thinking you're different. Your goal in eating should be to get the proper servings from the RDA and the four food groups. This is regardless of what your goals are. The RDA for adults is 2 servings of meat or high protein, 2 servings of milk and dairy, 4 servings of fruits or vegetables, and 4 servings of cereal and grains.

A serving of meat is about a four ounce piece of any type of meat. The serving size for vegetables, fruit, cereal and grains is one cup. You can get a list of the foods in each book free off the Internet or by requesting it from the federal government directly. Eat a minimum of four small meals each day consisting of these groups,no questions asked!

They will keep your metabolism going, your energy level high, and your functioning capacity primed. If you feel you have a very slow metabolism, you can increase your meals to 5 or 6. These are not 7 course meals I'm referring to. They are 1-3 regular meals and maybe 2-3 healthy snacks.

So when you go grocery shopping keep a list of the food groups. Let your shopping revolve around them. Change your eating habits if they do not match the RDA. You will be thankful when you're feeling great, looking great and staying healthy.

Step 8

This step is simply meant to inform you that 60% of your eating plan may consist of carbohydrates (carbs). Never do a zero carb or even a low carb eating plan.

Unless you enjoy feeling weak, looking scary, becoming moody, and appearing stringy. If you like those things cut way back on your carbs and warn those who see you on a regular basis. The people who do this type of eating are usually the ones really determined to lose weight.

This does nothing but drop water weight. (You see a weight loss from water loss-this is not good). Your body is 70% water. Every gram of carbohydrate in your body attaches to 3 molecules of water. When you eat low or zero carbs, the water leaves the body due to the lack of carbs present.

When this happens, your body panics because it thinks it is starving. Then you know what happens...it will not release any body fat. You then leave it no choice but to burn muscle for your everyday energy.

You have then lost water and muscle, not fat. You'll feel as productive as a car driving down the highway with flat tires. When you eat high carbohydrates (high meaning in proportion to your eating plan) you feel energized, clear headed, and able to endure a workout properly.

Eat carbohydrates! Remember that rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, cereals, fruits, veggies and the like are the preferred carbohydrate fuel for the human body. They are the main energy source. This is one of the reasons why the fruit, veggie, bread, and cereal group requires 4 servings in each category.

Unlike the meat and protein group which requires two.

Step 9

This step is the logic behind losing fat. This reminds you that you must initially subtract calories from your caloric maintenance level to lose fat. You formulated your maintenance level when you did Step 6 and wrote down all your food intake for three days. Subtract calories from the magic number of calories determined from Step 6.

This will put your body in a caloric deficiency and ready to lose fat. How many calories per day do you need to subtract from that number to lose fat and create a caloric deficiency? A realistic goal of fat loss is one pound per week. One pound of fat consists of 3500calories.

Divide the 7 days of the week by 3500 calories which equals 500 calories. Subtract this amount of calories from your original caloric maintenance level and you'll lose one pound of fat a week (provided you are following the other steps).

Let's say the number of calories it takes to maintain your weight was originally 2000 calories a day. You would then formulate an eating plan to fit in 1500 calories a day. Again, first find out how many calories it takes you to maintain your current weight by doing Step 6.

After that, subtract 500 calories from the overall caloric intake number then arrange the content of your food to fit RDA standards and the 4 food groups. You will now start to lose weight and fat. After you hit a plateau, gradually and slightly continue to decrease your calories every few weeks.

Once you get as low as 1200 calories a day its time to stop decreasing your calories. Anything lower than 1200 calories is a nutritional risk for you. This leads to step 10.

Step 10

If your calories get to 1200 and you still want to lose more fat, do this next action step. It's actually two action steps in one: Add activity and increase your meal frequency. Let's look at the adding activity first.

Adding activity will decrease your calories in addition to lowering them from food intake. You can do this by walking, doing the stationary bike, maybe a light jog or maybe adding some sports to your agenda. Whatever you do remember every 30 minutes of light to moderate activity burns about 300 calories.

This is a great way to lose weight if you don't like to decrease calories and you like to eat. The next part of this action step is to increase your meal frequency. Eating many mini meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism high and your body burning fat throughout the day. (Don't confuse mini meals with Happy Meals, these are mini meals.) The best way to do this is to pre-plan your meals ahead of time.

The minimum you should eat for fat loss is around 3-4 meals a day. If you really want to be a fat burning machine then increase to 5-6 small meals a day. For instance you may eat some oatmeal for breakfast, then chicken, rice and veggies for lunch. A piece of fruit a couple of hrs. after that.

Another piece of fruit, a meal replacement shake, or some yogurt 2 hours later. For dinner some beef, potatoes and salad. Maybe a tuna, chicken, or plain salad a few hrs. before bed. This is the best way to lose the fat pounds.

Especially if you have a slow metabolism and you enjoy eating like me. I love food, so I eat many mini meals throughout the day. I stay satisfied and am less likely to binge when I see my favorite junk food around.

Basically, the gist of this is if you want to lose fat or weight you must burn more calories than you consume daily.


STEP 1: Realize that you can not spot reduce fat. It burns systematically.
STEP 2: Properly recognize and identify your goal, then break it down into small parts.
STEP 3: Use common sense and expect fat loss not just weight loss.
STEP 4: Do resistance training regularly to avoid exercise suicide (losing muscle).
STEP 5: Incorporate fat into your diet and never remove fat totally from your eating plan.
STEP 6: Write down 3 days of food intake to discover your caloric maintenance level.
STEP 7: Follow the RDA to create the proper eating plan and food variety.
STEP 8: Never eliminate carbohydrates from your eating plan!
STEP 9: Calorie reduction is the initial physiological step to trigger fat loss.
STEP 10: Do calorie burning activities and eat frequent meals to enhance fat burning.

Discover How to Easily Lose 1-2 Pounds of Fat Per Week
7 Inch Car Tv

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Motherboard Basics

A recent Tech Tip covered the basics of selecting a computer case and made mention of the various sizes that correspond to motherboards of different form factors. A few people wrote in expressing interest in understanding more about the basics of motherboards, and that's exactly what this Tech Tip intends to address.

7 Inch Car Tv

A motherboard, also known as a main board, is the primary circuit board inside of a computer, and is where the central processing unit (CPU), memory, expansion slots, drives, and other peripheral devices are connected. The circuitry on a motherboard facilitates the communication between all of the devices in the computer, making them as critical to a system's performance as items such as the CPU or memory.

7 Inch Car Tv

The core circuitry of a motherboard is referred to as its chipset, and generally the manufacturer of the motherboard is not the manufacturer of the chipset. Intel does produce motherboards with their own chipsets, but buying a motherboard brand such as Gigabyte, Biostar, and ASUS means getting a board with either a VIA, Nvidia, SIS, or Intel brand chipset.

1. Form Factor

The different basic shapes and sizes of motherboards are categorized as form factors. There are several standard form factors available, but some of the more common ones found in desktop computers include:
(http://www.formfactors.org/developer/specs/atx2_2.pdf), ATX (http://www.formfactors.org/developer/specs/matxspe1.2.pdf), Micro ATX (mATX) (http://www.formfactors.org/developer/specs/FlexATXaddn1_0.pdf) FlexATX (http://www.via.com.tw/en/initiatives/spearhead/mini-itx/) and Mini-ITX

The basic sizes of each are as follows:

* ATX: 12" x 9.6" (305mm x 244mm)

* Micro ATX: 9.6" x 9.6" (244mm x 244mm)

* FlexATX: 9.0" x 7.5" (229mm x 191mm)

* Mini ITX: 6.7" x 6.7" (170mm x 170mm)

ATX and mATX are by far the most popular motherboard sizes for desktop computers, and as seen in the list above, are also some of the largest. More real estate on a motherboard allows for greater expansion possibilities and extra features, which make the use of these boards more flexible. A Mini-ITX board may feature just one slot for memory and one slot for an expansion card, while a typical ATX board may feature 4 memory slots and six slots for expansion cards.

Each form factor has its own niche that it fits into, from workstations and gaming systems for larger boards to media centers and in-car computers for smaller boards. There is definitely overlap between the potential applications of each form factor, and other features and capabilities will also influence the targeted use.

2. CPU Socket

The major processor manufacturers, AMD and Intel, are constantly waging a battle to offer the fastest, most powerful processors available. Getting more speed and performance out of a relatively small chip generally requires a change to the physical dimensions as each new generation of processor is released. Therefore, motherboards need to evolve at the same pace in order to accept the new CPUs.

Back in the day, AMD and Intel processors shared a common CPU socket, but those days were short lived. AMD and Intel have since been traveling down their own, relatively parallel, paths of performance and speed increases, while using different designs. Selecting a motherboard for a modern AMD processor eliminates the use of any Intel processor, and vice versa.

AMD's current offering for desktop processors includes the Athlon 64, which is available in Socket 939 and Socket 754 formats. The number in the names represents the number of pins present on the backside of the CPU that connect to the motherboard's socket. The Socket 939 Athlon 64 therefore has a staggering array of nine hundred and thirty nine tiny pins to match up with the motherboard's socket. The Chaintech VNF4 Ultra is an example of a Socket 939 motherboard based on Nvidia's NForce4 Ultra chipset technology. In addition to these two sockets, many AMD processors, including Athlon XPs, Semprons, and Durons, share the Socket A format, also known as Socket 462 thanks to it having 462 pins for connecting to a motherboard.Socket adapters

Intel's latest offering for their Pentium 4 and Celeron processors, LGA 775, doesn't have pins at all and basically swaps the pins to the motherboard for the socket. Perhaps this design move puts the burden of bent pin warranty claims on someone else, but it is fairly unique. The Biostar P4M80-M7 is an example of an LGA 775 motherboard based on the VIA P4M800 chipset. Other Intel processors still on the market utilize the Socket 478 format for Pentium 4 and Celeron processors.

Although most motherboards support just one CPU socket, some applications benefit from having more than one processor to tackle the tasks at hand. Servers and high end workstations are two examples where a dual processor system, such as could be run on the Tyan Thunder i7500 motherboard, might make light work of more advanced applications.

3. Components

'Components' is a fairly vague term to describe this section, but the items to be covered are fairly diverse. Computer systems all use memory, storage devices, and power supplies, but among the many differences motherboards have is the type and quantity of connections for these components.

Most modern systems use DDR memory, but DDR-2 memory is becoming more common and will eventually become the standard. Although some boards provide slots for both types of memory, it is generally the case that either one or the other technology is supported. Besides operating differently, the physical difference of DDR having 184 pins and DDR-2 having 240 pins prevents them from being interchangeable. Going forward, users will have to decide whether they want to jump on the new technology bandwagon when selecting a motherboard, or to try to continue using their existing DDR for as long as possible. Regardless of technology, most motherboards come with 2 to 4 slots for memory, although as mentioned, Mini-ITX boards may just offer 1 slot.

Hard drive technology is changing too, as mentioned in the Tech Tip comparing SATA to ATA hard drives. Most motherboards over the past few years have offered two ATA connections, which could support up to 4 drives. With SATA becoming more popular, some boards now offer a mix of ATA and SATA connections, while others have abandoned ATA all together, and instead offer multiple SATA connections which only support one drive each. In addition to type and quantity, motherboards can also offer choices in hard drive capabilities by integrating RAID controllers onboard, as found on the ASUS K8V SE Deluxe.

As systems become more advanced, they many times impose special power requirements to keep them running smoothly. Most motherboards feature the typical 20 pin ATX power connector, while some server boards may have a 24 pin connection in its place. Motherboards for AMD Athlon 64 and Pentium 4 processors will have a second power connection located in close proximity to the CPU socket for providing the extra power that today's high end processors demand. This special 4 pin connection isn't found on every AMD Socket A motherboard, but it will most definitely be located on an AMD Socket 939 motherboard. Power supplies have been including this special connection for years, but for those upgrading an old system with a new motherboard, the power supply may be just one more item that has to be upgraded as well.

4. Extra Features

Many motherboards now include features onboard that were once only available as expansion cards to be purchased separately. A typical motherboard will now include stereo sound capabilities, a 10/100 LAN connection, and a few USB 2.0 ports on the back panel connection. Depending on the budget and needs of the end user, many motherboards may also include other convenient features such as integrated Firewire ports, VGA connections, and onboard RAID controllers.

Motherboards Extra Features

Although many of these items may be added later with expansion cards, if you know you want them upfront, a bit of installation hassle and expense can be eliminated by finding a board with just about everything you want included. That said, there aren't many choices of onboard components, so it's a case of take it or leave it. For example, you may want stereo sound included, but find most motherboards offer 5 channel, where you would prefer 8 channel. In that case, it may be a good thing that motherboards include expansion slots to add the sound card of your choice.

5. Expansion Slots

A motherboard typically provides at least one slot for the installation of a graphics card and a few slots for expanding the capabilities of the system in other areas.

Graphics cards are available in PCI, AGP, and now PCI Express formats, and matching a motherboard to the appropriate card is a key step. Most motherboards released over the past few years include an AGP slot,
and the new wave of motherboards are now starting to feature PCI Express slots for graphics card installation.

PCI slots are found on most motherboards, but are
much slower than AGP and PCI Express slots, so they are not the optimal choice for graphics. ATX motherboards may typically feature four to five PCI slots, and although they could be used for secondary display graphics cards, more common applications include sound cards, network cards, RAID controllers, TV tuners, modems, and USB/Firewire controllers. Considering that many of these items are now included onboard, having multiple PCI slots isn't quite as important as it used to be.

6. Style

With enthusiasts adding windows and special lighting effects to just about every feature of a computer, why should the motherboard be left out of the action? Long gone are the days of the stereotypical green PCB with white connectors, and now most boards feature a vibrantly colored PCB and a rainbow of colors on expansion slots, memory slots, drive connectors, and so on.

For example, if someone was undecided on a mATX board for their Socket 754 AMD Athlon 64, style might be the deciding factor. The Chaintech MK8M800 and the Biostar K8VGA-M-N are similar boards featuring the VIA K8M800 chipset and prices under . The golden PCB with black and white features of the Chaintech board may appeal to some, while the red, white, blue, and yellow of the Biostar may sway others.

In general, a particular model is only available in one color scheme, and many manufacturers use the same theme across their entire current line up. As an example, the Biostar board for AMD Athlon 64 processors above features the same basic style as this Biostar board for the new Pentium LGA 775 processors. In addition to coloring, some manufacturers will include LED lighting on chipset cooling fans, or accessorize motherboards with matching cables to complete the unique looks of the board.

Some people may scoff at colors being included in the list of key features on motherboards, but there will be some that shop for style first, and then performance.

Final Words

There are many factors to address in selecting a motherboard, and this Tech Tip really just scratched the surface of the basic choices that may need to be considered. Much more technical decisions may need to be made by the advanced user, but covering the six basic areas discussed above is a good start for users of any level.

Motherboard Basics
7 Inch Car Tv

Black Friday Boss BV9555 7-Inch Double-DIN Motorized In-Dash Widescreen Touchscreen TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Receiver 2011 Deals

Nov 25, 2011 19:42:24

Black Friday Boss BV9555 7-Inch Double-DIN Motorized In-Dash Widescreen Touchscreen TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Receiver Deals
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Boss BV9555 7-Inch Double-DIN Motorized In-Dash Widescreen Touchscreen TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Receiver

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Boss BV9555 7-Inch Double-DIN Motorized In-Dash Widescreen Touchscreen TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Receiver <<

Black Friday Boss BV9555 7-Inch Double-DIN Motorized In-Dash Widescreen Touchscreen TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Receiver Feature

  • AM/FM radio, DVD, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, CD, CD-R/RW, VCD, SVCD, MP3/WMA, MPEG4 receiver
  • 4 x 85 Watts maximum power with front/rear RCA preamp outputs
  • 7-inch TFT touchscreen LCD with 1440 x 234 pixel resolution
  • Includes side auxiliary and rear A/V inputs, USB port, SD card slot, wireless remote
  • One-year limited warranty

Black Friday Boss BV9555 7-Inch Double-DIN Motorized In-Dash Widescreen Touchscreen TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Receiver Overview

7-Inch Double DIN Motorized Widescreen Touchscreen In-Dash TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Rcvr, USB/SD Card Slot, Front Aux-In AM/FM/RDS, 85W X 4

Black Friday Boss BV9555 7-Inch Double-DIN Motorized In-Dash Widescreen Touchscreen TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Receiver Specifications

The double-DIN BV9555 from Boss Audio Systems is an affordable way to add DVD entertainment to your vehicle. Enjoy playback of DVDs, CDs, SVCDs and VCDs. Includes both a USB port and SD/MMC card slot for quick enjoyment of digital media (MP3/WMA/MP4) as well, along with an AM/FM radio with 30 presets. A side panel auxiliary input and rear A/V input let you connect external multimedia devices, and you can expand your system with front and rear preamp outputs and a rear view camera input.

An affordable way to add DVD entertainment to your vehicle. Click to enlarge.

Front panel USB port for playback of digital media.

Full-featured remote included.

7-Inch Touchscreen
The BV9555 features a 7-inch, color TFT touchscreen. Your widescreen video will look great thanks to the 1440 x 324 pixel resolution and high brightness.

DVDs and More
Enjoy playback of your favorite DVDs, CDs, SVCDs, and VCDs in the slot-loading DVD player.

Or play back MP3/WMA audio or MP4 video from disc, USB, or SD Card.

Dial in your sound with the treble, bass, balance and fade controls.

AM/FM Radio
Listen to your favorite radio programming with the AM/FM Radio with PLL synthesized tuner.

Instantly access your favorite stations with 30 presets.

Use the side panel auxiliary input to connect external audio devices, or the rear A/V input for external video (game systems, etc.). The SD/MMC card slot and USB port let you play back your MP3/WMA or MPEG4 files if you don't feel like burning a disc.

Room to Grow
The BV9555 packs four channels of 85 Watts, but if you want more you can expand your system thanks to dual (front and rear) RCA preamp outputs.

You can also add a rear view camera for safety and convenience.

Wireless Remote Included
Control the action with a handy remote.

What's in the Box
Boss BV9555 Receiver, Remote Control, USB Cable, Installation Hardware, User's Manual, Warranty Card

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Boss BV9555 7-Inch Double-DIN Motorized In-Dash Widescreen Touchscreen TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Receiver

Limited Offer Today!! Boss BV9555 7-Inch Double-DIN Motorized In-Dash Widescreen Touchscreen TFT Monitor/DVD/MP3/CD Combo Receiver Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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